Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My mom came up early after we had baby Gavin to help us out. She stayed for a week & help us out so much. She left yesterday so Tuesday night was our first night without help! It was hard, but we got through it! Thanks mom so much for coming out early & staying later to help us out & for all your help & advice! We already miss you! Love you so much & thanks again!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Baby Gavin's Room
This Post will mostly be pictures because of all the stuff we did to get his room ready. As soon as Mike got home, we cleared out the room, painted it from the Yellow to the Blue & then set everything up. We still don't have everything up in there yet, but we are getting there slowly. Enjoy his beautiful room! 

Ben's Wedding!
Saturday the 14th of March...My younger yet bigger brother Ben got Married! We kinda still can't believe that he did it because he always said he would never get married, but he did it! We are so proud of you & Sarah & welcome Sarah to the family with open arms...We love you guys. She is the newest member of the Farnsworth family...& we added 2 new members in 1 week. It doesn't get any better than that. They got married at 9am in the Jordan River Temple. After the ceremony, we all went to Golden Corral to eat dinner. After that, we had the afternoon to spend time with the family & it was to the reception site at 3pm for Family pictures. The reception was from 4-6 & it was so good to see old & new friends that we grew up with or have recently met! Congrats again to Ben & Sarah & welcome to the family Sarah! Enjoy these pictures of the day!
Ben & Sarah coming out of the Temple (notice their red shoes!)
Me & My Cute Sisters
Me & My siblings...& Gavin
Ben & Sarah eating Cake
4 Generations Photo
Happy Belated Birthday Daddy!
Friday the 13th was my Dad's 50th Birthday. We were so extremely busy last week with Gavin coming & family here for Ben's wedding Saturday (will blog about that next) but my dad still had his birthday. I hope you had a great day dad & it was so good to see you & I think we gave you the best Birthday present...your first grandchild & even before you turned 50! Happy Belated Birthday Daddy! WE LOVE YOU!
The Arrival of Gavin
Lets start with last weekend. On Friday night Mike & I did a lot of walking...We went to Costco & bought some "bulk" stuff for the house...then on the Home Depot to get some blinds for the finishing touches on Gavin's Room...which I will blog about later. Then on the Walmart to go Grocery Shopping because we wouldn't have much time together to do it Saturday.
Saturday Mike went to work & I hung out with my friend Jessi...who is still preggers...Sorry girl, I promise, Madi will join us soon! We went & got Glitter toes, went shopping to literally finish up my last minute "baby" needs & then went to Lunch. Saturday night Mike & I just relaxed.
Sunday we got up, went to Church, came home & made dinner for Ben & Sarah & then played Rock Band. Just a normal typical weekend. Lets get to the good stuff...Sunday night I had a hard time going to sleep, but this had been normal the last week or mind would just race about this impending birth & what it would be like & what would happen when he came. Monday morning about 5am I had these small cramping pains in the lower stomach...they woke me up, but I didn't think to much about them because they didn't hurt. I had 2 of them between 5 & 5:30. At 5:30 my alarm went off & the is when I started timing them. They were about 9 minutes apart, but again, didn't hurt. At 6am I told Mike what was going on & told him I was going to go to get in the shower & see if that made them stop. I got in the shower & they didn't stop & started hurting. After the shower, I let Mike know they were continuing to happen & starting to hurt, so we made some phone calls to work & our moms.
By 10am, they were about 6 minutes apart, so we called the Dr.s office & he said to go to Labor & Delivery. We got some last minute things for our bag ready, asked our next door neighbor to help us take care of Bear while we were in the hospital & about 10:30am we started heading down there & I sobbed like a little girl before we left because I knew that when we came back home...nothing would be the same. We got to the Hospital about 11:30am & got checked in & in a room. They checked me & I was only dilated to a 2&1/2. They said they would give me an hour & check me again. My contractions were coming about every 3 minutes by then. They checked me again at 1pm & I hadn't dilated hardly any, so our nurse called the Dr. & came back & said they were going to send me home. I kinda had a feeling it was going to happen, but luckily, Mike's cousin Felisha lives about 3 minutes away from the hospital, so she said we could go there. About a minute after the nurse left our room to get me some meds to help with the pain, my water was divine intervention! We let the Nurse know & they admitted us. After that, my contractions were bad...I kept telling Mike I didn't think I could do it. It took a hour to get my epidural! After that, it was smooth sailing!
At about 5:30pm I was dilated to a 10! At 6:30pm it was time to start pushing. I had waiting about an hour to start pushing because the Dr. wanted me to be able to feel more & after I had puked all my ice chips up, they decided I was ready! There were few complications...After one contraction, Gavin's heart rate dropped so I had to have oxygen, but it came back up & was no longer a worry. After that, I had a blood clot appear & the Nurse was concerned about, so the called the Dr. & when Gavin was coming, he ruptured the Placenta & it started to come before him. Dr. Glenn gave me 1 last contraction to push to get Gavin out before he would have to get him himself. After an episiotomy & me pushing with all my might & Mike, My mother-in-law & sister-in-law all showing there support, I pushed him out & heard him cry for the first time...I cried! I couldn't believe I did it! He was finally here. All 7 pounds 19 inches of him.
Saturday Mike went to work & I hung out with my friend Jessi...who is still preggers...Sorry girl, I promise, Madi will join us soon! We went & got Glitter toes, went shopping to literally finish up my last minute "baby" needs & then went to Lunch. Saturday night Mike & I just relaxed.
Sunday we got up, went to Church, came home & made dinner for Ben & Sarah & then played Rock Band. Just a normal typical weekend. Lets get to the good stuff...Sunday night I had a hard time going to sleep, but this had been normal the last week or mind would just race about this impending birth & what it would be like & what would happen when he came. Monday morning about 5am I had these small cramping pains in the lower stomach...they woke me up, but I didn't think to much about them because they didn't hurt. I had 2 of them between 5 & 5:30. At 5:30 my alarm went off & the is when I started timing them. They were about 9 minutes apart, but again, didn't hurt. At 6am I told Mike what was going on & told him I was going to go to get in the shower & see if that made them stop. I got in the shower & they didn't stop & started hurting. After the shower, I let Mike know they were continuing to happen & starting to hurt, so we made some phone calls to work & our moms.
By 10am, they were about 6 minutes apart, so we called the Dr.s office & he said to go to Labor & Delivery. We got some last minute things for our bag ready, asked our next door neighbor to help us take care of Bear while we were in the hospital & about 10:30am we started heading down there & I sobbed like a little girl before we left because I knew that when we came back home...nothing would be the same. We got to the Hospital about 11:30am & got checked in & in a room. They checked me & I was only dilated to a 2&1/2. They said they would give me an hour & check me again. My contractions were coming about every 3 minutes by then. They checked me again at 1pm & I hadn't dilated hardly any, so our nurse called the Dr. & came back & said they were going to send me home. I kinda had a feeling it was going to happen, but luckily, Mike's cousin Felisha lives about 3 minutes away from the hospital, so she said we could go there. About a minute after the nurse left our room to get me some meds to help with the pain, my water was divine intervention! We let the Nurse know & they admitted us. After that, my contractions were bad...I kept telling Mike I didn't think I could do it. It took a hour to get my epidural! After that, it was smooth sailing!
At about 5:30pm I was dilated to a 10! At 6:30pm it was time to start pushing. I had waiting about an hour to start pushing because the Dr. wanted me to be able to feel more & after I had puked all my ice chips up, they decided I was ready! There were few complications...After one contraction, Gavin's heart rate dropped so I had to have oxygen, but it came back up & was no longer a worry. After that, I had a blood clot appear & the Nurse was concerned about, so the called the Dr. & when Gavin was coming, he ruptured the Placenta & it started to come before him. Dr. Glenn gave me 1 last contraction to push to get Gavin out before he would have to get him himself. After an episiotomy & me pushing with all my might & Mike, My mother-in-law & sister-in-law all showing there support, I pushed him out & heard him cry for the first time...I cried! I couldn't believe I did it! He was finally here. All 7 pounds 19 inches of him.
38 Weeks 5 Days
There are a lot of posts brace yourselves & enjoy. The day before our Baby Gavin joined us, we took some belly shots. Some normal shots that we have been taking since week 20 & a naked belly shot for my mommy...little did we know that he would be coming the next day, so it all worked out. Here is the last pregnancy pictures you will be seeing of me for a while!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy Anniversary

Happy 4 year Anniversary Mike! I can't believe sometimes it has been that long & now we have a baby! YAY! I can't believe what we have been through the last couple months & we have just made it out bigger & stronger! Love you & Happy Anniversary!
Update & Link
Sorry...been home for a day now & just got the Internet up & running. Here is a link to my Sister-In-Law's blog. She blogged about the arrival of Gavin, so that should wet your whistle until I get around to blogging...hopefully tomorrow! Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Birth Story
This is for Memories...& for when I got to print my Blog into a book next year, I can have Michelle's account of the day Gavin was born...
Yes, another day (Monday) spent at the hospital. Fortunately there were no tests done, no ANC levels to worry about, no Oncologsits, Immunologists, Heart Specialsts, etc. There were really no serious worries except for the blanket of snow falling and what that might do to our long drive home. It wasn't the typcial hospital visit that our family has grown acustom to these days. I was called to the hospital because my little brother and his wife were having their baby....their first!For so long now hospital visits have been a dread sprinkled with hope to find answers, usually ending with more questions, more worry. But today was a different kind of walk down the halls of the hospital...a quick tone to my step, sounding out notes of anticipation, excitement and joy. I arrived shortly after the epidural kicked in and Alicia was calm and relaxed. Mike, on the other hand, bless his heart, worries enough for all of us. Being their first, there were a lot of emotions floating in that room, even fear, worry, anxiety and all the questions of new parents. but this fear and worry (what's this all going to feel like, how big will he be, will he cry a lot, will I ever sleep again)...those fears have a sweet taste to them, unlike so many other fears that are lingering on the 'other floors' of the hospital. Four and a half hours after my arrival to the hospital, it was time...time to push, time to dig deep and find the only strength left after 13 hours of labor to help the doctor bring her sweet angel into the world. My mother and Mike had her legs, holding them up at the wonderful medicine of the epidural did it's job while I stood by her side, holding her head up and counting as she pushed with all her might. An hour of pushing had passed, Alicia's strength was fading, but she kept fighting, pushing, and never complaining. The nurse put her on oxygen as the baby was showing some signs of stress and the doctor was called in to identify a blood clot that came with the last set of pushing. The placenta had ruptured a bit, so the time to get this baby out was decreasing significantly. After an episiotomy and watching the strength of a 'mother' emerge from the depths of exhaustion, fear and anticipation... we all counting that last count...1, 2, 3...tears streaming down our faces, fore we all had the opportunity to witness the miraculous gift of BIRTH! One of the most beautiful moments God has given us...when one of his precious spirits takes their first breath and enters into their first moments of life. Life...the lessons, the struggles, the bumps, bruises, tears, triumphs, laughter, lessons, trials, broken hearts, and all the rest we can imagine.
Baby Gavin was perfect, a head of hair, 2 sweet dimples, 10 perfect fingers and toes and eyes full of wonder and life. My sister -in-law Alicia showed so much courage, strength, determination and love and made me so proud to be apart of that incredible moment with my family. Kurt and the kids arrived shortly after to meet this sweet baby, the newest member of the family. I left the hospital late that night still processing the surreal situation I had just witnessed and even though the chill of winter was all around us, the snow now covering all the earth and the thought of spring was pushed to the back of our minds...we just left a precious moment of 'spring'...a new birth, new life, new, hope, laughter and witnessing the doors of heaven opening right before us and sending down yet another nephew GAVIN!
Yes, another day (Monday) spent at the hospital. Fortunately there were no tests done, no ANC levels to worry about, no Oncologsits, Immunologists, Heart Specialsts, etc. There were really no serious worries except for the blanket of snow falling and what that might do to our long drive home. It wasn't the typcial hospital visit that our family has grown acustom to these days. I was called to the hospital because my little brother and his wife were having their baby....their first!For so long now hospital visits have been a dread sprinkled with hope to find answers, usually ending with more questions, more worry. But today was a different kind of walk down the halls of the hospital...a quick tone to my step, sounding out notes of anticipation, excitement and joy. I arrived shortly after the epidural kicked in and Alicia was calm and relaxed. Mike, on the other hand, bless his heart, worries enough for all of us. Being their first, there were a lot of emotions floating in that room, even fear, worry, anxiety and all the questions of new parents. but this fear and worry (what's this all going to feel like, how big will he be, will he cry a lot, will I ever sleep again)...those fears have a sweet taste to them, unlike so many other fears that are lingering on the 'other floors' of the hospital. Four and a half hours after my arrival to the hospital, it was time...time to push, time to dig deep and find the only strength left after 13 hours of labor to help the doctor bring her sweet angel into the world. My mother and Mike had her legs, holding them up at the wonderful medicine of the epidural did it's job while I stood by her side, holding her head up and counting as she pushed with all her might. An hour of pushing had passed, Alicia's strength was fading, but she kept fighting, pushing, and never complaining. The nurse put her on oxygen as the baby was showing some signs of stress and the doctor was called in to identify a blood clot that came with the last set of pushing. The placenta had ruptured a bit, so the time to get this baby out was decreasing significantly. After an episiotomy and watching the strength of a 'mother' emerge from the depths of exhaustion, fear and anticipation... we all counting that last count...1, 2, 3...tears streaming down our faces, fore we all had the opportunity to witness the miraculous gift of BIRTH! One of the most beautiful moments God has given us...when one of his precious spirits takes their first breath and enters into their first moments of life. Life...the lessons, the struggles, the bumps, bruises, tears, triumphs, laughter, lessons, trials, broken hearts, and all the rest we can imagine.

Welcome sweet child, may your days be filled with laughter, may you not dwell on the trials, but look toward the triumphs...may you always find time to smile, laugh, love and may you always know your worth and that your family loves you...forever.
Gavin Michael Wallenberg

Dad, Mom & Baby are all doing great! 
3/9/09 7 lbs 19 in. long 7:34 pm
Will post more pictures later!
Dad, Mom & Baby are all doing great!
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