Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mike's 32nd

Ok. This is sooooooo cool! I am blogging from my phone at work. Who knew right? So now that gives me no excuse for not blogging. I can just upload pictures from my phone and off we go.

So Mike celebrated his 32 birthday this month. Crazy old fart! He ended up working and I took the day off to take care of Pukey Greyson. We ate ordered in Chilis and ate Red Velvet birthday cake. When we sang Happy Birthday and gave Mike his cake, Gavin was so mad that there were no candles on the cake, so we put a candle on his piece of cake to make home happy. He said it wasn't a Birthday without candles.

It was a good day and we are so thankful for Mike in our lives! Happy Birthday Mike. Love you!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year 2013 Resolutions

I have been thinking a lot the last couple days on what I wanted for New Year 2013.  I could go the "Be healthier, lose weight, save money, pay off bills" route, but I wanted to think outside the box this year. So here goes...

* Graduate with my Associates!

* Learn more about Oils and use them more in our daily lives

* Take a family vacation (since it really didn't happen last year)

These are my main ones that I really want to focus on.  I also have the usual resolutions...

* Family Prayer, personal prayer, Family and personal Scripture study, Focus on Preparing YW Lessons, Monthly Temple Trips.

I would also like to really start working on the house, getting it ready so that when we can sell it, it might sell better, faster and yeah!