*We have moved his crib down now so he can start trying to stand in there anytime now!
*He has found his "down there" area. We had a little issue with his "down there" area at his 9 month appointment, but it has been taken care of.
*He is starting more & more each day to like tummy time & try to get on his knees to move. Hopefully he will crawl soon.
*He is still a blubbering fool!
*He now reaches for people.
*He LOVES food, all of a sudden & will eat & eat & eat whatever you feed him!
*He rolls from his back to his belly to his back again like he has been doing it forever.
*He still likes his jumperoo, but would rather sit on the floor & play with his toys or scoot to the tree to take ornaments off.
*He HATES getting into his car seat, but as soon as he is strapped in, he is fine.
*His bedtime is now bath at 7, eating at 7:30 & bed by 8, & he still sleeps until 5:45 when it is time to feed before I go to work! It has made for a more pleasant baby at night.
*He is a dancing fool. We will play music & he will just move his whole body! It is super cute.
*He kinda waves at people, but I think it is to get your attention to pick him up because he kinda waves & then reaches up for you to pick me up!
*Most the time when we take pictures of him lately he looks so drugged up or extremely tired in them! I think that is why I haven't been taking a lot of pictures of him...SAD. That is a new years resolution!
*He has started eating those puffy fruit things by himself now!
*It looks like he still has a clogged tear duct in his right eye, so we have gotten a referral from our pediatrician to a Pediatric Opthamoligist. I will keep you all updated on how that goes & what happens.
I can't believe how big he is & how fast he is growing! We love our little monkey!
Love the updates and all the cute pictures! It's crazy how fast little kids grow!
Okay... so when my sister was a baby she had a problem with her tear duct and the doctor told her to squirt a little bit of breastmilk in her eye and it cleared it up. I am not sure if you are still nursing but it is worth a try!
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