Thursday, September 24, 2015

Garett's Surgery

Garett has been having a hard time with his circumcision since he was about 9 months old. It would always roll to his fat pouch and was trying to reattach itself. So in August we went to a Pediatric Urologist and he said that it needed to be surgically redone so that it doesn't get infected in the future, and that now is the best time to do it.

So on September 10th I took him to Primary Children's Medical Center in Riverton and we got it done. It was about a 20 minute procedure and I was only away from him for about 45 minutes total, but it is now fixed and he is doing great. He was such a good boy and we were only at the Hospital for total of 3 and a half hours. And the best part of the recovery is that he gets baths everyday!

Before Surgery
About 45 minutes after surgery
At home that night of Surgery
Lots of Bathing, which he LOVES!

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