Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Sissy

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENNA WENNA CHICKEN DINNER! Love you Sissy & I hope you have a great day & I am so glad that you are my sister! I can't wait until the next time that we can get together soon! I am so proud of you & what you are doing with your life! You are a great girl & a great sister! WE LOVE YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Christy said...

I have that same outfit that Gavin is wearing! (pretty sure)its one of my favorites. How is it going with the new little one?

Mary said...

Wow, it's so hard to believe he's almost a month old. How time flys when your're having so much fun with your little gift from Heaven. Ilove you all, and if there is anything I can do, let me know. Would love to spend a Saturday with the little guy while you two go out and spent quality time with each other. Mary