Thursday, March 10, 2011

24 Months - ie 2 Years

Gavin is 2 years old, which means it is time for an UPDATE!

First here are his Stats from the Dr.

Weight: 23 lbs 13.5 ozs - 7% (Tiny boy!)
Length: 33.75 inches - 34%
Head: 18.85 inches - 30%

*He is still a pretty good eater, he likes most things you try, his big thing is if he is just not hungry, he won't eat! I figure he isn't going to starve if I am trying to feed him.

*He is in LOVE with the Movie "Cars" as you probably already know.

*He is in the transition of 18 month clothes and 24 month clothes. He wears them all!

*He is in size 4 Diapers is is NO WHERE READY to start potty training.

*He is going to start the toddler bed, I will keep you updated on that.

*He currently has 13 teeth with 3 more working their way in there. These teeth have been the worst for him so far. Can't wait to get them in.

*He likes to color at church and play with his "Cars" sticker book.

*He knows a ton of words, puts some of them together sometimes and is learning new words everyday. He likes to repeat literally everything you say. Today he learned Cookie.

*He is in his "terrible twos" and throws his tantrums when he doesn't get his way or needs help with something.

*He is in Size 5 shoes still since about September. He has small feet!

*He knows what to do when we pray, he will fold his arms, bow his head & close his eyes, but that only lasts about 5 seconds!

*He is getting better and better with is baths. He won't cry anymore, but you still can't move him very much.

*He likes to help clean up & will put his toys in his toy box. He also likes to help vacuum, sweep, mop & load & unload the dishwasher. He likes to watch you cook and is really just a big helper. He will be a great big brother!

Other then that, the Dr. said he is normal, we think he is pretty special & he is a keeper!

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