Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Can I just tell you how glad I am to have the gospel in our lives? I am so thankful for the power of prayer, the priesthood, and faith! Last week Gavin got a cold, it started clearing out on Saturday, we thought we were out of the woods and in the clear. Sunday he started with a little cough. Monday it got a little worse, but nothing to horrible. Last night it was a barking cough. It was horrible and he would get so worked up that he couldn't stop coughing or catch his breath. Mike stayed home with him today and took him to the doctor. The doctor told us that he does indeed have Croup. So we have him on Meds, and breathing treatments and we are hoping and praying that it starts getting better! Please pray for him little guy to make it through this with flying colors! Hopefully soon he will start feeling better and we can get our schedule and routine back to normal!

1 comment:

Jami Berry said...

Not fun! Emma has gotten croup a few times and it's always so hard to see them so miserable. Hope he feels better soon!