Monday, May 2, 2011

Greyson's Birth Story

Thursday, April 28th I got out of bed and went to work, hoping that I would be able to somehow get out of work early...I didn't know how I was going to do it, I was still having lots of Braxton Hicks Contractions, but nothing real concrete. At 11:15 I got a phone call from my Dr. asking if I would like to be induced that day instead of Friday? He said that he had something come up on Friday and the Hospital had an opening at 12:15 for an induction that day. He said he would still do it Friday if we needed to but I agreed to do it then. I quickly left work and drove straight to the hospital while letting Mike know what was going on and having him get in contact with his Mom to come get Gavin.

I got to the Hospital at noon, got all checked in and into my room and by 1 Mike and Gavin were finally there to be with me. They started all the meds I needed to be on (pitocin, antibiotic, IV) At that time I was dilated to an almost 3 and 90% effaced.

I started to feel the contractions somewhere around 2 but they weren't that bad. About 3:30 I asked to get the epidural. The bed I guess was off center, so they had to stick me with the epidural needle twice. It all worked out though. I started feeling better. The Dr. broke my water and I was still only dilated 3 and 100% effaced. We were progressing. We asked Mike's cousin to come get Gavin so that my Mother in Law could stay with us while we were delivering. At about 4 Mike and his Mom went down to get a bite to eat. The nurse came in and asked if I wanted anything to snack on. I told her I was so thirsty, so she brought me an apple juice. I sucked it right down and immeditly felt so sick. The nurse said I lost all color in my face. I asked for something to throw up in, and up came all the apple juice! After that I felt so much better and drank another apple juice, but slowly! At 6:15 I asked to be checked again and was dilated to a 5. At about 7 I was feeling the pressure to push, so I asked to be checked again and was finally dilated to a 10 and ready to go. 20 Minutes of pushing and Baby Greyson was finally here.

He weighed 8 lbs 2 ozs, was 18.5 inches long and had a great set of lungs. He entered the world at 7:42 pm. Everything looked great. After he came out I felt great. I didn't shake like I did uncontrollably with Gavin. After about an hour I breastfed Greyson and he latched on great & ate like a champ! He then made his way down to get a bath while I got cleaned up and down to the recovery room. Our new adventure was just starting.

Things I want to remember from this pregnancy:

I had really bad Rib Labor. When I would have a contraction, it would put so much pressure on my ribs, it hurt really bad. I even had to push the epidural button because I thought it was wearing off, but the epidural didn't even touch the Rib pain. I also had the nurse check me at 4 to make sure I wasn't digressing and Greyson wasn't moving back up into my belly because of the rib pain.

I felt so much better this time around. I did feel it all but there was no pain. I also didn't have to have an episiotomy this time around, so I think that helped. I did get this pain in my chest and middle back the next day but we chalked it up to heartburn. I had extremely bad heartburn this pregnancy.

And that is the Birth Story of Baby Greyson!

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