Friday, May 6, 2011

Other Greyson Tidbits

When we left the hospital on Saturday, April 30th, Greyson weighed in at 7 lbs 10 ozs. On Monday, May 2nd, we had his first Drs. appointment just to check his Jaundice and to see how he was eating and "pooping" for lack of a better word! He weighted in at 7 lbs 12 ozs so he was on his way back up and his length was 19.5 inches so he grew an inch since birth!

He is such a great eater and sleeper. He did have his days and nights mixed up for a minute, but we are slowly turning it around. Last night he slept from 9 to 1:30, was up until 3, back down at 3:30, up at 5:30 and back down at 6! He slept until we woke him up at 8:30 so we could feed him and have a fun filled First Family Day of 4! He pretty much sleeps the whole day as well. He does have an awake period of about 2 hours a day and 2 hours at night, the rest of the time he is sleeping...literally!

He still has the LONGEST, DARKEST hair which is so super cute! I love it!

He is a great baby and we love him!

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