Here is a picture of Gavin & Greyson both at 1 month in the same bouncy chair and the same outfit. Who's who? You guess!

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
New Car
Since last December the Pontiac has been having issues. One weekend while My Mother-in-Law were out Christmas Shopping, we were driving in the car & all of a sudden it lost power. Mike was a Drill Weekend that day & I was 5 months pregnant with my MIL & my 21 month old son. Needless to say, I was freakin out! Got a hold of Mike & he started to come get us & a nice guy stopped and found out that one of the spark plugs had "magically" popped out of the socket. Oh Joy! He popped it back in, we thanked him profusely & went on our marry way!
In January, one cold, snowy morning the car started overheating. I thought I ruined the car. Since then though it has never ran the same. We have literally put hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what was going on with the car & trying to fix it...but to no avail! Nothing was working or helping. Finally we took it to our mechanic & he said the dreaded words...BLOWN HEAD GASKET! We are looking at $2,000 to get that fixed. Mike and I decided that it was time to part with the car.
We sold it to Low Book Sales on Friday the 17th, Mike carpooled to work with a neighbor for the week and we started stalking Classifieds for a new (to us) car that we wouldn't have to make payments on. One that we could just buy outright. We looked at some real duds, but Saturday we found the car! We bought a 1994 Lexus ES300. I think we got a pretty good deal on it & everyone keeps telling us we have moved up in the world. We don't really care, as long it is lasts us at least a year until we can afford a monthly payment on a car to go get something else for our family. And that is the story of our new car!

In January, one cold, snowy morning the car started overheating. I thought I ruined the car. Since then though it has never ran the same. We have literally put hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what was going on with the car & trying to fix it...but to no avail! Nothing was working or helping. Finally we took it to our mechanic & he said the dreaded words...BLOWN HEAD GASKET! We are looking at $2,000 to get that fixed. Mike and I decided that it was time to part with the car.
We sold it to Low Book Sales on Friday the 17th, Mike carpooled to work with a neighbor for the week and we started stalking Classifieds for a new (to us) car that we wouldn't have to make payments on. One that we could just buy outright. We looked at some real duds, but Saturday we found the car! We bought a 1994 Lexus ES300. I think we got a pretty good deal on it & everyone keeps telling us we have moved up in the world. We don't really care, as long it is lasts us at least a year until we can afford a monthly payment on a car to go get something else for our family. And that is the story of our new car!

Our Cars
So we bought a new car (new to us at least) last weekend, so I thought it would be fun, interesting & great for rememberance to go through all the cars we have had in our short 6 year marriage.
Here they are in order of appearance:
1969 Ford Mustang
1999 Ford Ranger
1995 Geo Prism
2001 VW Beetle
2004 Pontiac Grand Am
2003 Ford Mustang
2005 Dodge Durango
1994 Lexus ES300
We have also had a 4 Wheeler & a Aprillia Motorcycle
Wow, that is alot! And here is to many more cars that we will own!
Here they are in order of appearance:
1969 Ford Mustang
1999 Ford Ranger
1995 Geo Prism
2001 VW Beetle
2004 Pontiac Grand Am
2003 Ford Mustang
2005 Dodge Durango
1994 Lexus ES300
We have also had a 4 Wheeler & a Aprillia Motorcycle
Wow, that is alot! And here is to many more cars that we will own!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Another First
Another Greyson First - Last night he slept from 11-7 straight!
We came home from a long day of Work, Shopping for a car, and Family time. Fed him at 11 and put him down to bed and didn't wake back up again until 7 when he started to get restless! It was AMAZING. I felt like a new woman! He even did it in his bassinet & was asleep and stayed asleep when I put him down in it. WOW!
Keep it up little guy!
We came home from a long day of Work, Shopping for a car, and Family time. Fed him at 11 and put him down to bed and didn't wake back up again until 7 when he started to get restless! It was AMAZING. I felt like a new woman! He even did it in his bassinet & was asleep and stayed asleep when I put him down in it. WOW!
Keep it up little guy!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Kissing Cousins
*I finally got these pictures last night so I am finally able to blog about it!
Original post - 1/13/2011
At Mike's Birthday Party, his cousin and her family were there. They have a 9 Month old little darling! Gavin was pretty much facinated with her, he was giving her kisses. It was the cutest thing ever! He will make a GREAT BIG BROTHER!
Original post - 1/13/2011
At Mike's Birthday Party, his cousin and her family were there. They have a 9 Month old little darling! Gavin was pretty much facinated with her, he was giving her kisses. It was the cutest thing ever! He will make a GREAT BIG BROTHER!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Greyson has been smiling for a while now! Since even before I went back to work. It is really hard to capture the smile when you are the only one here making him smile. Tonight Mike got some really good ones from him & I got them with the camera! Super excited. Yesterday he was giving my Mother-in-Law the BIGGEST smiles yet! He is a super cute boy & we love him so much! He is so happy!

Big Boy in a Little Chair
Mike thought it would be funny to put Gavin in the bouncy chair and take pictures. Gavin thought it was pretty funny too!
Father's Day
Yesterday was Father's day! First & foremost - Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there especially the ones in my life! We love you & are so thankful for you in our lives & the things you have done for us!
Yesterday Gavin & I got up at 8:15 to make Breakfast for Mike. We made these amazing Ham & Cheese Croissants! YUM! Greyson & Mike woke up at 9 and then we ate Breakfast to got ready for Church. After church the boys all took a nap & Mike's mom came down to spend the day with us. After naps were over we started getting ready for dinner. We grilled Kabobs. Yummy again! We did everything you could think of, Steak, Chicken, Shrimp, Veggies, Pineapple. It was delish! We watched a movie & then got ready for bed!
We got Mike a new Tool Box for work and a golf package to Eagle Mountain Golf Course.
It was a great day & we are thankful for Mike & all he does for our family!
Yesterday Gavin & I got up at 8:15 to make Breakfast for Mike. We made these amazing Ham & Cheese Croissants! YUM! Greyson & Mike woke up at 9 and then we ate Breakfast to got ready for Church. After church the boys all took a nap & Mike's mom came down to spend the day with us. After naps were over we started getting ready for dinner. We grilled Kabobs. Yummy again! We did everything you could think of, Steak, Chicken, Shrimp, Veggies, Pineapple. It was delish! We watched a movie & then got ready for bed!
We got Mike a new Tool Box for work and a golf package to Eagle Mountain Golf Course.
It was a great day & we are thankful for Mike & all he does for our family!
Gavin Update - 27 Months

I don't think I ever noted how Gavin took it when Greyson arrived. The 1st week he was home with us he didn't eat very good, he didn't sleep very good & he threw a lot of temper tantrums. I didn't think we were going to make it! After that first week, he realized that Greyson was here to stay & that he was going to have to share, but that it would be okay. He is now really protective of Greyson & is the biggest helper I could ever ask for. He will get diapers for us, throw things away, get Greyson's Blankets & cover him, and get his Binky and give it to him when he is fussy. He likes to help burp him, and push him in his swing. He is a great big brother.
He still loves his movie Cars, but branches out to Toy Story, Bolt and Tangled. We can't wait to take him to Cars 2 hopefully this weekend!
We have a Rocking Horse that he loves to pull out and literally jump on and rock. He also has an awesome dismount. I will need to get some video!
I am more & more convinced everyday that he is going to be a lefty. He colors with this left hand most of the time & throws the ball with his left hand most of the time. He uses his left hand to hold the silverware to eat, he is going to be a lefty!
He is still a big outside boy. He always wants to be outside.
He likes to watch Blues Clues
His favorite Color is Green
He is in mostly 24 month & 2T clothes even though they mostly drowned him & in size 4 diapers.
We moved the couch over to the wall with the light switches and so now he likes to climb on the couch & turn on & off the lights all day long!
We love this little monkey so much & are so glad that he is a part of our family!
UPDATE * We weighed Gavin at Greyson's 2 month appointment on 6/30 & he weighed 24.8 lbs. He is still growing!
Family Pictures
On the 21st of May we had the wonderfully talented Ashley come over to take our Family pictures, some pictures of Gavin & some pictures of Greyson! We are so lucky to know Ashley & we are glad that she is so willing to work with us & get us some great memories to share & save for generations! Enjoy these new pictures of our ever growing family!

A couple weeks ago when I was still on maternity leave, I was getting dinner ready & feeding Greyson before Mike came home from work. I went back into the kitchen to finish dinner from feeding Greyson & noticed that there was black marker all over the fridge. That is right, Gavin got a hold of a black Sharpie & "colored" all over the Front door, Fridge, Wall to the stairs , his shirt, pants & collar bone & the computer desk! I was DEVASTATED. Luckily when Mike got home, we tried some different concoctions to get it off. We tried Windex, Hairspray, Magic Eraser, Soap and Water, some Purple clear that is supposed to work & get everything off anything. Nothing worked. Finally Mike decided to try Brake Cleaner & it took everything off except the wall drawing. We decided we can just paint over that. Check out the before & afters! I am lucky to have a handy man to clean things up!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Wow...How life changes in a few short weeks. Here are a couple of ours...Just from the last couple weeks.
*Mike got a new job. He started working at Larry H. Miller Honda as a Mechanic on May 9th. We now gets every Sunday off (except Drill weekends). Yay for going to church!
*I am offically back to work as of today:( We will get through it though.
*We have decided to take our house off the market & stay in Eagle Mountain for a while longer. We don't know how long or what the future holds for us, but we feel good about this decision at this time!
Other then that, we are excited to see what other changes will be coming to our family in the future.
*Mike got a new job. He started working at Larry H. Miller Honda as a Mechanic on May 9th. We now gets every Sunday off (except Drill weekends). Yay for going to church!
*I am offically back to work as of today:( We will get through it though.
*We have decided to take our house off the market & stay in Eagle Mountain for a while longer. We don't know how long or what the future holds for us, but we feel good about this decision at this time!
Other then that, we are excited to see what other changes will be coming to our family in the future.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Vacuum
The vacuum has been my life saver this week. Mike has had class every night until 10 this week so giving Gavin a bath with Greyson screaming in the background has been a challenge. So when Greyson is screaming and I have to attend to Gavin in the bathtub, the vacuum has been there to soothe Greyson to sleep...Literally.
Monday, June 6, 2011
More Crazy Gavin
I woke up at 4am this morning to feed Greyson. I went out to the couch because that is where I usually feed him. Guess who had wandered his way out there & was sleeping on the couch? I guess Gavin was sick of sleeping in his bed and wanted a change of comfort? Silly boy. I had Mike take Greyson & put Gavin back to bed! What a silly kid!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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