Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Car

Since last December the Pontiac has been having issues. One weekend while My Mother-in-Law were out Christmas Shopping, we were driving in the car & all of a sudden it lost power. Mike was a Drill Weekend that day & I was 5 months pregnant with my MIL & my 21 month old son. Needless to say, I was freakin out! Got a hold of Mike & he started to come get us & a nice guy stopped and found out that one of the spark plugs had "magically" popped out of the socket. Oh Joy! He popped it back in, we thanked him profusely & went on our marry way!

In January, one cold, snowy morning the car started overheating. I thought I ruined the car. Since then though it has never ran the same. We have literally put hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what was going on with the car & trying to fix it...but to no avail! Nothing was working or helping. Finally we took it to our mechanic & he said the dreaded words...BLOWN HEAD GASKET! We are looking at $2,000 to get that fixed. Mike and I decided that it was time to part with the car.

We sold it to Low Book Sales on Friday the 17th, Mike carpooled to work with a neighbor for the week and we started stalking KSL.com Classifieds for a new (to us) car that we wouldn't have to make payments on. One that we could just buy outright. We looked at some real duds, but Saturday we found the car! We bought a 1994 Lexus ES300. I think we got a pretty good deal on it & everyone keeps telling us we have moved up in the world. We don't really care, as long it is lasts us at least a year until we can afford a monthly payment on a car to go get something else for our family. And that is the story of our new car!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

That is a really good looking car Alicia!! I hope that it does you well!Love you!