Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No Good, Very Bad Day

On July 1st we had a love/hate relationship with that day! 1st of all I pumped 12 oz in the morning from 1 pump...WOW. That made a total of 21 oz pumped for the day. Crazy? Yes...I am a pumping machine! It was a busy day at work because it was the 1st of the month, so the day went by fast. At Lunch, my sissy, Cathy, called me and told me that Gavin had thrown up. She thought it was because he hadn't chewed his lunch very well, choked on it & threw it up. Yum. He had done this a couple days earlier with Mike, no big deal.

That night we decided to go to Cafe Rio, Greyson had gotten his 2 month shots the day before & was SUPER fussy. Gavin decided he didn't want to eat a thing. I was trying to soothe Greyson & Gavin was playing on Cathy's lap when all of a sudden, he started dry heaving, then came the puke! YUM! All over Cathy & I. I traded kids with her, ran Gavin outside & started striping him. I didn't have anything to change him into, so he had to drive home naked with a diaper on.

I only got to eat 1/4 of my salad from Cafe Rio, but that didn't make much difference, Greyson still didn't like it, so it looks like no more Cafe Rio for me for a year! Great! Fortunately Gavin hasn't thrown up since & Greyson's legs are better from the shots & hasn't been so gassy (because his mom is really watching what she eats!) Needless to say, it was a no good, very bad day!

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