Thursday, June 18, 2015

Spring Soccer 2015

The first Soccer game was the Saturday before Mother's Day, the 9th of May, but it rained ALL day that day so games were cancelled. The next game was on the next Saturday, but we were in California on the beach that day, so we officially started soccer games for the boys on Thursday, May 29th. The boys are doing so good this year and are loving it. They both kick the ball a lot and like their teams. It has been a good way for them to get some extra energy out and to get us out of the house (even with my super horrible allergies!) And luckily there are only 2 more weeks (and 5 more games) left this season! With Mike leaving soon and being gone for 19 weeks, I don't think we will do Fall Soccer, but there will always be next year Spring Soccer 2016!

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