Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Week

It was a week, busy & eventful & now it is time (since I am ready for church, Gavin is asleep & Mike is at drill weekend, so I have some free time) to blog about it.

Sunday was Mother's Day! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO MY MOMMA, MY MIL & ALL THE OTHER MOMS OUT THERE! I hope you all had a great day. It was a busy day for me. Trying to make more burp cloths for Gavin, getting ready for church, getting Gavin ready for church, all that fun stuff. I feed Gavin at 11:30 with every intention of making it to church before he would want to eat again...not so much, he wanted to eat at 12:45, right as we were about out the door for Church, so needless to say, I didn't make it. I am finding it hard to get to church when it is just me with Gavin, but last week I even had Mike & still didn't make it. After Sacrament, Mike came home & we drove up to Mike's sister's house for some Mother's day family time. We reflected on those mothers in our lives that have gone before us...Mike's grandma, Kurt's mum! How we miss them deeply! We finally made it home about 11 (good thing I didn't have to work Monday...I would have been gone)

Monday was Gavin's 2 month appointment. Wow how 2 months has flown by. He weight in at 10 lbs 10 1/2 oz which puts him in the 24th%tile & was 22 3/8 long which puts him in the 27th%tile, & his head was 15.5 inches which puts him in the 34th%tile. Wow how he has grown. He did great until it was time for shots...Here is a picture of him before, all happy.

Let just say after the shots, he wasn't so happy. After Gavin's 2 month appt., we then had a Vet appt. for Bear. He has been doing these weird things in his sleep, where he looks like he is having a seizure. So we wanted to get him checked out & it was also his time for his annual well pet checkup. He also got shots! My poor boys, it was not a good Monday! Gavin had a rough night Monday night, but I think we now know what to do next time. What a cute boy.

Tuesday - Friday were pretty much the same as everyweek. Tired as usual, I work days, Mike works nights, trying to be a family.

Saturday I got to hang out with Jessi & Madi. It is the first time I have seen Jessi since about Gavin was a little over a week old. Since then, she had her baby, Madi & I got to meet her, well she was asleep, so I meet her from a distance. What a cute little girl. Compared to Gavin, she looks small. She is 3 weeks younger, but she is all her daddy & is such a cute girl! Thanks Jessi for hangin out & for Lunch again! Can't wait until next month.


Kelly Hill said...

What a huge blessing to be your 'baby whisperer' on Sundays. I enjoyed that lil guy so much today. Thanks again, Alicia!! And way to go being to church alone and on time!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness he is the cutest nephew in the world...Love him and love you guys!