Monday, July 13, 2009

4 Months!

Look who's 4 months! Gavin is!

At the Doctor's Office, he loves his tongue

Smiling boy!

Here are some stats...

Weight - 13 lbs 8 oz - He has almost doubled his birth weight - 23rd%tile
Height - 24 1/2 inches - 35th%tile
Head - 16.24 inches - 24th%tile

He had his 4 month old shots & he did good Friday, but had a rough day Saturday...but we made it though. I also think this new work schedule for us is taking it toll on Gavin. He has been waking up in the middle of the night every night since we started it. Hopefully we will all adjust soon. He loves to stand & take a couple "steps" while standing. He is still in 0-3 month clothes, but will hopefully be moving up soon. He is getting better every day at napping in his crib, but still likes to nap in his swing. He tries to roll over, but just can't quite get his leg over himself. Other than that, he is growing great & is healthy. Love you baby boy!


Jason and Crystal Mabb said...

to cute! remember these times cause they go fast!!

Mary said...

Oh how darn precious. He is so adorable....Really growing too fast huh? Times like these go by so fast, you just have to savour all those moments with that adorable little guy.
sending hugs and kisses for him..his g-ma Mary