Monday, July 6, 2009

New Schedule

Today marks a day of change for us. We are all on a new schedule. I am kind of nervous about it but it is 1 o'clock & so far it has been okay with the exception of Gavin already eating all his milk we got out for him for today. I have a new work schedule which goes something like this...Monday - Friday 7am-3:30pm. I am super excited for it because I am already up at 4am every morning feeding Gavin, so I can now get ready after I get him back to bed & off to work for me. Mike has a new schedule at work also. He works the day shift now! YAY! So if he is scheduled any day Monday-Friday, he will work 2pm-11pm. If he is scheduled Saturday &/or Sunday, he can work whatever shift they need him to. No more night freight or working all night & not sleeping all day! This will also hopefully give Mike a better chance of finding a new, better job! YAY! We couldn't be more happier for this new schedule change in our lives. So with the overlapping schedule, Gavin will now be going to a babysitter for about 3 hours when our schedules do overlap! Thanks to our very friendly, kind neighbors & their girls for being so willing & happy to watch the little mister for us! We appreciate you so much.

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

put me on that list, would ya?