Saturday, July 17, 2010


My new favorite pjs to put him in!

Our little Gavin is so funny. This morning he was walking between Bear, Mike & I & giving us all hugs & kisses everytime he got to us! Cute. He also said his name this morning. It sounded like he said his name at least to us.

Last night he would crawl to the screen door & knock on it & look back at me & Bear to see what we would do. He is too funny!

He is still trying to get the hang of the balance & walking thing but he gets better at it everyday. He will just stand up in the middle of the room & start walking to whatever.

Him & Bear do get along so good most the time, but Gavin is still learning how to be gentle with the dog. And most of the time Bear puts up with it. If he doesn't like it or is being hurt, he will just yelp for our attention.

I don't know if I already mentioned this, but Gavin can now climb onto almost anything. The couch, a low chair, his push cart. You really have to keep an eye on him now & what he is climbing onto!

I can't believe how much he picks up on everyday. I love watching as much as I can with him!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Gavin is adorable! He looks like such a great mix of you to. I love it when they start walking and are trying to get a hang of that elusive balance! So fun! He is so cute!