Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I was thinking last night, and you know when I think at night, I can't sleep. Anyway, I was thinking about how different Gavin & Greyson are in just the few months we have had Greyson. I was also thinking about there similarities. I thought that I should jot a few of them down for remembrance.


Greyson is a binky boy, Gavin was not.
Greyson has been sleeping "through the night (until 5am)" for a couple months now, Gavin didn't sleep through the night until 4 months.
Greyson likes to be swaddled, Gavin didn't. He had to have his hands out at all times.
Greyson is a drooler, and spitter upper, Gavin was not.
Greyson is an eater. He drains me in 15 minutes. He doesn't mess around when it comes to food. He doesn't sleep while feeding, he gets right in and eats, Gavin slacked. He would fall asleep, take the whole 10 minutes to eat on 1 side, he was slow.
Greyson will fall asleep if you put him swaddled in his bassinet, Gavin wouldn't. You would have to rock him asleep before you put him down.
Greyson doesn't like the Swing, Gavin did.
Greyson doesn't have dimples, Gavin does.


They both like the Bouncy chair
They both like the Bumbo
They both like white noise
They both like there baths. (That changed for Gavin though)
They both do so well nursing and eating from a bottle.

Love these boys so much!

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