Tuesday, November 8, 2011

6 Months

Holy Hannah - My baby is 6 MONTHS OLD! Wow! Where did the time go? For realizes! I can't believe how much this little 6 month old has changed my life. We took him to the Dr yesterday for his Well Child Check-up. Here are his stats!

16 Lbs - 18%tile
26.25 Inches - 37%tile
43 cm Head - 24%tile

Now some fun "stats" about him!

*He has 2 teeth!

*He is now officially rolling. All the time from his belly to his back, almost from his back to belly!

*He loves Oatmeal cereal. He hasn't liked Bananas or Applesauce so far. I mixed Pears in with his cereal yesterday and he ate it right up.

*He nurses about 5 times a day now. 3 naps and sleeps from about 8:45 to 4:45 every night.

*He has asthma, eczema and now the Dr thinks he has allergies! He is his mother's son!

*He is a talker, and tries to mimic sounds that you make with your mouth.

*He is a really good sitter. He can do it for the most part, until he gets super excited and falls over.

*He loves to play and interact now with us. He grabs everything in his reach and sometimes Gavin doesn't like that. But for the most part, they play well together!

*He still has to be swaddled and bounced in the bouncy chair to sleep!

Love this little cutie so much!

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