Thursday, December 1, 2011

7 Months Old

Greyson is 7 Months old! WHA? Time goes by way to fast! Here is what he has been up too!

*He still hates his tummy, he will just bury his head in the carpet & pity cry. When Mike puts him down, he does ok for a minute.

*He is an amazing sitter though! He has incredible balance!

*Like his swing, he doesn't like his jumperoo, if I put him in it. If anyone else puts him in it & I am not around, ht is okay.

*He is a TOTAL mommas boy! He cries if I put him down, hand him off to someone else, leave the room! He is spoiled!

*He still likes to be swaddled and it is the only way to get him to calm down most times.

*He is getting better and better at self soothing and falling asleep by himself without rocking.

*He is not a very good eater of solid foods, at least for me. The babysitter says he does great for her.

*He always wants to "help" you with what you are doing by grabbing anything or everything he can that is in front of him.

*He has 2 teeth, wears 6-9 month clothes, size 2 diapers and still has lots of cute blonde hair.

*He nurses 5 times a day when I am home all day, when I am at work, he nurses 3 times and has 3 bottles.

*He hasn't been sleeping through the night as of late, but hopefully whatever is bugging him will soon be gone!

Love love love this cute little guy!

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