Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa 2011

We went to see Santa tonight. There is a guy in our ward who dresses up as Santa every year, so we went the cheap and close route this year and went to see him. Gavin was so excited and ran right up to him to sit on this lap. Greyson, on the other hand, wasn't so into it. He was tired, we had a long night of shopping and running around. He is not a carseat fan. Anywho, Gavin kept saying "Merry Christmas Santa," and "Goodbye Santa." He was in love! Santa also gives the kids who come see him a stuffed animal. Gavin chose a doggie, and I don't know what Greyson ended up with. Gavin asked if he could take his Doggie stuffed animal that he got from Santa to bed with him. He is sleeping with it! So cute! Here are the Santa pictures for 2011, not professionally done, but we didn't have to spend any money!

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