Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pinterest Challenge

So I have been on Pinterest for a while now, and pinning away lots of different desserts, workouts, holiday ideas and Teaching and learning ideas for the boys.  I have also been pinning "Good Eats."  Dinner ideas that looked and sounded good to me.  Well, I wasn't using these ideas and we were still making the same things for dinner week by week.

A couple weeks ago I decided that what is the point of me pinning all these new recipes if I wasn't using them.  So I started making a new, different dinner every night (Sunday-Thursday) to try out some new things and see if we can start adding flavor and new recipes into our weekly menus.

Today will be day 14 of this "Pinterest Challenge" I have issued to myself.  Some of the things we have had haven't been as good, but others have been AMAZING.  If you haven't started using the recipes that you are pinning, I suggest you start.  There are some great things out there.  I am going to keep this up until there isn't anything else we can try.  Hopefully this will help with the age old question "What's for dinner."

One of the amazing recipes we have tried.
Melt a stick of butter in the pan. Slice one lemon and layer it on top of the butter. Put down fresh shrimp, then sprinkle one pack of dried Italian seasoning. Put in the oven and bake at 350 for 15 min. :)

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