Friday, September 21, 2012

3 and a Half

Gavin turned 3 and a Half this Month. Wow!  It has gone by super fast!  Here is what he has been up to!

*Preschool! He loves it, and his teacher, and all his friends!

*Music Class. This month he is learning "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" by the teacher and he likes to color when he goes!

*He can sing his ABC and does really good.  He can really only pick out the letter G, but it getting to know A and B.

*He can count to 20, and up to 30 if you help him.

*He knows all his colors (YAY for not being color blind) And does really good with saying them.

*He knows a lot of shapes and his favorite is a Triangle!

*He is still only 29lbs. He is my little guy!

*He is in all 3T clothes (Shirts, Pants/Shorts, Jammies)

*He is Potty Trained during the day and naps, we put him to bed in a diaper.  He will get there one day!

*His favorite TV shows are Word World, Phineas & Ferb and Color World. His favorite Movies are Phineas & Ferb movie and Despicable Me.

*He is still my car boy. He knows a lot of car brands and will drive around a car saying "It's my Toyota" or "It's Cathy's Car" (On the car that looks like Aunt Cathy's)

*He for the most part Loves Greyson and helping him, but he doesn't like to share toys with him or really to have him follow him around and play with.

*He loves Milk, Chicken Nuggets, Grilled Cheese. We make him try everything we eat, he fights it at first then after he tastes it he says it is good and eats a couple more bites:)

*He is a really good talker and can get his point across most the time.

*He is a great sleeper and most the time if Greyson wakes up in the middle of the night and cries Gavin doesn't even flinch!

*He is getting a lot better at not throwing fits and we do spend less and less time on the Time Out chair. He does have his moments, but it is getting better:)

It has been a BIG year for Gavin so far! It is only going to get bigger! Love you big boy!

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