Thursday, November 20, 2014

Greyson's Head

Ok, so just to forewarn you, there will be a lot of posts coming of Greyson and his head.  He is so clumsy and can't really keep it together, so stuff like this happens.

But this time, we can't completely blame it on Greyson.  We moved the toybox into the boys' room when we bought the bunkbeds (post coming) to make more room...everywhere.  So the boys started to play in their room more.  One day in August they were in there playing and I heard them closing and opening the closet door.  I asked Gavin to stop and all of a sudden, a big crash, and Greyson is crying hysterically
.  I am feeding Garett on the couch so I can't really get to him and I am asking him to come to me.  After a minute or so and he hasn't come to me, I go get him and find this!

The closet door fell and hit him square in the head.  He had a little bit of a black eye too, but that bump and gash on his head! Not Fun!  Luckily he has been okay (except for all the clumsiness!)  This kid I swear will be the death of me.

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