How long have you been married? 3 Years next month
How long did you date? On & off for about 2 years
Who said 'I love you' first? Mike took me a little bit longer because I wanted to mean it!
Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first
Who asked who out first? Mike asked me out
Who proposed? Mike did, flying in a 4seater plane flying over the Mt. Timp. temple
Who eats more? Mike totally does
Who is taller? Mike, I am short
Who is smarter? I think we are both equally smart in different areas
Who does laundry? I do!
Who does the dishes? We both do them, & usually together
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mike does
Who pays the bills? I do!
Who mows the lawn? Mike does because I am allergic to Grass
Who cooks dinner? We both do equally
Who drives when you are together? Mike does
Who is more stubborn? I totally am
Who is cleaner? I think I am, because I am always picking up after him (love you babe)
Who has more siblings? I do, but by one
Who wears the pants in the family? I think we both do, we make all decisions together
Whose parents do you see more often? His: because mine don't live here.
Who has more friends? I think we have the same amount.