Thursday, July 2, 2009

Binky Drama

Okay, so anyone who knows me knows that I am not a Binky fan. I have a friend who's "baby" is 18 months old that still uses that binky like it is going outta style. Before we had Gavin, several people told me to try it & then we could ween him off it when we felt it was time, but to give it a try before I discounted it. Gavin has really never been a binky fan, he would only take it when he was absolutely exhausted & fighting sleep. The past 3 weeks or so he wouldn't even take the binky at all & he was on this new kick of ALWAYS having his fingers in his mouth if he wasn't sleeping or eating. I talked to my mom & she had suggested to try another binky because we have only used 1 brand with him. We went on a binky shopping spree today & found SEVERAL binkies that he will take. I am hoping that the next several months will be better now that there are binkies that he will actually take. It will make nap time as of late so much better! Sorry about the poor quality of the picture...All I had was our cell phones. Let me know what you think about binkies & what your favorite brand is or has been?

The binky says I "heart" mommy...I need validation!

ps...Don't worry, we got 1 that says I "heart" daddy too!


Anonymous said...

My little guy isn't here yet but I am going to use a binkie. I had a friend who sucked her thumb until... well as far as I know she did until she moved and she was 18! YUCK! It is easier to take away a binkie then not let them suck on their fingers. But I do agree with you... they shouldn't be totally reliant on them.

srmedley said...

I'm in the same boat. I wasn't a huge binkie fan either, but I would much rather Keegan suck on a binkie than his thumb! I plan on him being weened by one year...
I found his favorite binkie is the MAM, I think it's the same as Gavin's in the picture, just a different design.
We tried the soothie, nuk and another brand that is much rounder. MAM is definitely the fav. I don't know how I would survive without it!!

Jessi said...

MAM is our fav. too! Madi will take the others but she doesn't like them as much.