Monday, August 17, 2009

5 Months Old!

Gavin turned 5 months old last before I forget everything I was going to blog about him, I had better do this post. I don' t know how much he weighs, but he is a chunk & you can take my word for it. He has been sleeping better through the night, but still has a 2am episode every week. He still hates tummy time & has only rolled over twice both times from his stomach to his back. He is moving around so much that you put him in his crib for bed one way & when you go get him for his feeding, he is the other direction! He is officially over his swing. Last month, he would only nap in his swing...this month, he naps in his crib! YAY for us. So we are going to take the swing down so we have more room. He loves, loves, loves his jumperoo & would stay in it all day...he would even sleep in it. He gets mad at us for taking him out if he isn't done in it. He loves playing with/eating anything he can get his hands on. He loves peek-a-boo & patty cake, they are fun games for him. One more month & we can start "solids." I am having mixed feelings about starting solids, but mostly I am super excited. Just a new stage for the little guy! He is a super cute kid & we are glad he is in our family!

Gavin Sleeping in his bouncy Chair
He loves to Stand

Gavin does good sitting on his own so far, he is still a little top heavy, but he is getting it!

Gavin's first offical "bump" on his head

I was changing Gavin's diaper on his changing table & he rolled onto his side & hit his head on the edge of his crib! SAD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! I love his big bright eyes and the picture of him sleeping his little walker/play saucer thing!