Monday, July 21, 2008


Bear has been Tagged!

Bear - The little White Maltese

3 Joys...
1. Sleeping
2. Playing with toys
3. Car Rides

3 Fears...
1. Dogs
2. Getting in trouble because I messed on the floor
3. Baths

3 Goals...
1. Play with the Lyman girls whenever I can
2. Sleep as much as I can
3. Play outside whenever I can

3 Obsessions...
1. Hiding my bones
2. My Parents
3. Barking at the Door

3 Random Things...
1. I have kidney failure
2. I have broken my leg
3. I can drink water all day long

3 people I tag...
1. Rocky - Mike & Maddie
2. Dexter - Christy
3. Bella Rue - Court

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