Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Birthday Weekend Review

So, as you all know my birthday was last week. It was a great Birthday followed by a great Birthday Weekend. I am not a firm believer in extending ones birthday...maybe in March 2010 when my little one turns 1 we will be, but for now, I am not. But this birthday was different. I don't know if it was because Mike wasn't here & I don't really have any family here that everyone really rallied around me & made it awesome, or what...so lets recap...shall we?

Thursday was the actual day of my Birthday. I got the day off - Thankfully - after I worked my butt off Wednesday to make sure all my work was done so I could have Thursday off. The beginning of the Month is not a great time to take off at my work...there is always a lot to do! But I got all my work done & got the day off. I slept in as much as I could through all the phone calls & text messages coming in through my cell at all hours of the early morning. I got up aroung 8am & since my car was due last month for it's emissions & inspection I ran down to the Jiffy Lube in Saratoga Springs. At 8 in the morning they already had a hour & a half wait to get my car in. I couldn't believe it. So I ran to Smith's & grabbed some breakfast & drove home to hang out. I did some stuff around the house & about 10am the Internet guy came out to fix my Internet connection. After that I drove back to the Jiffy Lube after calling them & they said they didn't have a wait. They did...another hour wait. So I drove to Draper to find a place down there to see my car. I found one in Riverton that got my car right in & out! It was nice. After that I went grocery shopping for this week & then got Blimpie for Lunch, drove home & ate lunch with Bear. After I ate Lunch, I fell asleep on the couch for a while - I just love being Pregnant - Got some flowers from my Brother-in-law & his wife & family & then watched the Vice Presidental Debate. It was a great day!

Friday I came back to work - I had a lot to do! After work, I drove to Draper to spend the weekend with my Girlfriend Kammi & her family. I have know Kammi since I was 5 so about 20+ years. We eat Wingers for Dinner & watched some movies, then went to bed.

Saturday we woke up & watched the first session of Conference then got ready for the day. We headed off to a Sentsy party & bought some fun stuff there. Then went to get our nails done. What a fun day - Thanks Kammi for hanging out with me. After the Preisthood session of Conference I met my Brother & his girlfriend/fiancée for dinner at La Frontera (my all time favorite resturant!)

Sunday I watched the Morning Conference session at home then headed up to my Sister-in-law's house for a birthday party/Conference watching party. We had a great time. We ate dinner, opened presents & ate icecream & Brownies for My Mother-in-law's birthday, my birthday & my Brother-in-laws birthday - all in the same week or so!

It was a great Birthday weekend & I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave my birthday wishes or spent some of the weekend with me! Thanks for all you do for me!

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