Saturday, February 13, 2010

11 Months

So, so so crazy our little monkey is 11 months old. In T-24 days he will be 1 year old! AGH! My baby soon won't be a baby anymore. But seriously, I say this every month & it is totally true, I am so excited to see what he will be doing next! Of course he is our first, so we haven't ever done this before & it is exciting to see what he learns from 1 day to the next & what he does 1 day & does the next! Lets catch up & see what the little monkey is doing new this month!

*I still have no clue what he weighs, but I bet it is about 19 lbs. He is really growing height wise too!

*WE HAVE A MOBILE BABY! HE IS OFFICIALLY CRAWLING & has been for about 2 weeks now! He still does prefer to roll, but if he wants to get to something fast, he gets right up on those knees & goes for it. He is definitely fast as well!

*His vocabulary has really grown as well, he says do-do, dada, mama, Hi, Hey, Mmm when he eats his food & jibber jabber all over the place. He gets really quiet when it is nosy around him, but when it is quiet, he will let you know he is around!

* He still only has 4 teeth, but I think he has been cutting more for a while now. No new ones have popped up yet though.

*He hasn't been the best sleeper lately. He goes to bed anywhere between 7:30 & 8 & will be up anywhere from 9:30 to 11:30 just screaming. He will go back to sleep a couple minutes later but then about 1-2 he will be screaming again. Only once was he hungry, the other times we have no idea what was going on.

*He has really had a spurt of Separation Anxiety lately. Even when Mike is holding him & I am around he will reach & cry & scream for me until I have him.

*He is still a great eater. We have been trying new & more things with him to kinda get him "Table ready." He is also hand feeding himself now, another big accomplishment from last month.

*He still isn't pulling himself up on things yet, but he just started crawling, so we will give him some time for that.

*He has a favorite toy. It is that green dog you see in the picture above. It sings, says his name & does fun activities with him. He lights up when he sees that dog & it will turn a frown into a smile.

*He has really become interactive with Bear. They both play really well with each other.

*His new thing is to crawl over to the DVD stand & pull all the DVDs out of the bottom row. We definitely for sure need to start baby proofing & securing things to the wall so they don't fall over on him.

I think that is all I can think of! Next month is a BIG MONTH for us! Can't wait! Stay tuned...

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