Thursday, February 11, 2010


I haven't posted in a while. I haven't really had anything to say. The last couple weeks I have become quite the blog stalker & have found a couple of blogs that have made me think...about my own life, my family, basically everything. We do have trials & things going on in our lives right now that I wish we didn't have to deal with, but they are really nothing compared to these blogs that I would like to share with you today!

The first blog I found from Mike's Cousin's blog. It is a Family here in Utah whose baby boy had a tragic accident a couple weeks ago. Baby B has made great progress, but still needs our prayers. Please check out their blog here & read their touching story for yourself! It truly shows you that Miracles are real & do happen! It also reminds you to have faith in the Lord & that our Father in Heaven really is there for us & loves us! It also reminds me to not rush things, not worry about the little stuff & hug my baby boy that much tighter & love him that much more because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

The second blog I found from Amanda. It is a Family of 3 who just had their 2nd baby girl a couple weeks ago. She was born with Down Syndrome. We have our own "Down Syndrome" story in our lives...our cute niece Preslie, but this mom's account of her darling daughters birth & their discovery of her "specialness" was breath taking & honest! Check out her blog here & join her on this special journey of a turning point in their lives.

I cried when I read both of these stories, so you know they have to be good & touching because I NEVER cry! If you have any great blogs that you like to "stalk" please share, we all I am sure would love to follow along on their journey!

Come back later for a FUN 11 month post & maybe if I feel up to it, a Family update, not just a Gavin update!