Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Holy Hannah have I been a WRECK lately! I have tried my hardest to keep them under wraps, but I feel like postpartum depression has hit a year later! I never thought I would be so emotional about Gavin growing up & having his 1st birthday, but every time I think about it...I really don't even know how to describe it or explain it! Is this normal? I haven't cried yet, but the more I let it build, my waterfall will probably soon flood open!

I have also been looking at blogs, friends, others who are expecting babies soon & I have become quite baby hungry. Is that weird, because I kinda think it is. Don't get any ideas, we aren't going to be trying for another baby for a while. Just think it is a little out there that all of a sudden I am baby hungry. I really didn't get baby hungry before until we had our miscarriage, so I only had to wait about 2 months after that to get preggers & then 9 months for the little guy to get here. I will just enjoy as much of my "baby" as I have left!

On an unrelated note, Gavin has become quite the little walker. He can't walk by himself, heck, he can't even stand by himself yet, but when he is holding your hands that is all he wants to do is walk! He has become quite good at it! One day he will be running circles around me & I will wonder where the time when..what the heck, I already am thinking that. Where did the last year go?

He has also become a "follower." When he started crawling he would go to where he wanted to & that was it, if you left the room, he would cry until you came back. He has now learned that he can follow you where ever you go (for the most part) He has also become quite fond of Bear's food & water dishes. (We are still working on that one) Other than that, these are the "daily" updates on Gavin. Told you that he is changing & doing something new everyday!

When I get home I will try to remember to post some recent pictures of our little cutie! I have become so wrapped up in this Digital Scrapbooking phase that that is all I really want to do when I am on the computer. Maybe in the near future I will post some of the pages I have made so far! Love it!

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

I think you're probably grieving a little since your baby is turning one. It's natural to long for those tiny baby days. I'm sure that's why you're baby hungry as well. He's still a baby though, so it's okay. Just enjoy all of his firsts and everything that makes him Gavin.... he's such a sweetie. Hang in there!