Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1 Year

Here is Gavin's 1 year update. 1st for his stats:

Weight: 18 lbs - 5th%tile
Head: 18.25 cm - 35th%tile
Length: 28 inches - 23rd%tile

The doc said that his weight was normal because I am still nursing & since he is nursing less & less, that is why he isn't at the 20 lbs yet. That means no forward facing car seat yet (boo!) Everything checked out great with him & he got 4 vaccinations (double boo!) The doc also said that we can now feed him whatever.

Speaking of food, Gavin loves food. He will eat just about anything. He LOVED his birthday cake. I almost think he liked to play with it more, but he did try to eat some of it. He loves Bananas, Grilled Cheese sandwhiches & Cows milk. Now if we can just get the sippy cup down. I have only been working on it with him for 6 months now! Anyone have any tricks, tips or suggestions?

His new thing pulling himself up on the couch & letting go for a couple seconds & then falling to his bum & laughing his head off. He thinks it is the funniest thing & will stand a little bit longer each time he does it before falling. He will be standing on his own soon.

He is becoming the little dare devil & will pull himself up on anything...your leg, the couch, crib, dresser, chair, desk, table, really anything.

He really likes to walk when you are holding his hands & is starting to walk more & more around things.

He has started sleeping on his belly in his crib with his butt sticking up! It is SUPER cute!

He loves reading his books during the day & having "story time" at night! He also loves his Baby Einsteins DVDs. He points & laughs at them.

He is ALWAYS shaking his head "no." I have seen him nod a couple of times but it is mostly "no!"

He still only has 4 teeth.

He still loves bath time & goes to bed about 7:30 every night. I am going to try to start weening him soon in the morning. He has been still waking up at 6 before work so I have been feeding him, but if he starts sleeping longer, I will ween. + we only have about 15 bags of milk left so as soon as that is gone & he is taking a sippy, he will be off the bottle!

I really don't know about "words" that he says now. He does say momma & dadda. He says dahe (doggy) & I don't really know any others. When we ask him where Bear is he will always look around for him & point him out. He has just started crawling over to Bear now when we ask him where Bear is. He will look around for him & when he finds him he will crawl as fast as he can to get to him. He is so cute!

Bear & Gavin play great together & Bear just lets Gavin do whatever.

Gavin is all over the place & into everything. He found the pots & pan drawer this week & loves playing in that.

It has been a GREAT year & we can't wait to discover with the next year will bring.


Jason and Crystal Mabb said...

he is so stinkin cute!!!!

Mary said...

What a precious photo....He is so darn cute...and love to hear he is doing so well. Can't wait to see him Saturday....love that little guy.