Monday, April 5, 2010

Last Weeks Highlights

Here are some happenings in our house last week:

*Gavin started Clapping.

*We used the last Milk bag last Thursday the 1st of April.

*I am starting to ween.

*Still training for my 5k in June - I am really going to train this time so I do MUCH better then last time.

*I put Gavin in his first "time out" & I think he had more fun in his crib then playing in Bear's food & water dish - hehe.

*Gavin learned how to go up the stairs. He did it at Mike's Sister's house yesterday. We haven't tried it with him before because we are ALWAYS upstairs. He even went down 1 step by himself.

*We are trying to find a day care provider in the Eagle Mountain area who isn't going to charge us an arm & a leg to watch our little guy no more then 20 hours per week (plug) If you know someone, please let me know! Thanks!

*We are still trying to sell our bites yet. I have my theories & so does Mike, we will just see what happens.

*Gavin's Clogged Tear Duct eye (Right eye) is still draining like CRAZY lately. It is either starting to unclog itself, or it is getting a scope will be in our future this summer.

*We (My Sister-in-law) & I went to get the kids' Easter Pictures taken on Saturday...that was a disaster! We did get some good pictures, but the two little one where not having much of it a lot of the time! We are still traumatized!

~I think that is all the notable happenings from last week! Have a great 1st week of April!

1 comment:

Jennifer Karyn said...

Lots of fun new posts!! You need to tell me how your first 5k went! I can't believe Gavin is 1 already, so crazy, weren't you just pregnant? haha.