Thursday, May 13, 2010

14 Months

Gavin has hit the 14 month mark! Wow! He is doing new things all the time & learning more & more each day. Now, if we could just channel that into walking, he would be moving right along! Here is what he has been up to the last month...

*We put him on the scale & he weighed 19.4 lbs! Almost there...(I have to take him to the Dr. next week for his 1 month ear check up, we are hoping for a 20 by then)

*He says so much. Most the time we can't understand what he says, but he likes to carry on conversations with us all the time.

*He has a new babysitter! We like her a lot. It all works out in the end & if you have faith, everything will work out! She comes to our house, so it is a blessing!

*He is a walking fool...with his walker. That is also his new favorite toy. That is all he will play with.

*He loves to read his books. You will find him a lot of the time in the "book corner" pulling his books out & looking through them. If there is a book already out & he comes across it, he always looks through it before he moves on.

*He is still fascinated with pulling out all the DVDs out of the DVD shelf. We are still trying to decide what to do with that thing. Hopefully we will have it moved by next week.

*He still loves to eat. If you have food & he doesn't he is always right by your side trying to get a piece of whatever it is that you have. His latest loves are goldfish, cereal, corn dogs, chicken nuggets & yogurt. & he loves his cows milk. If he sees his sippy cup, he whines until he gets it. He also loves to feed Bear. He will drop his food from his high chair onto the floor or if he is on the floor take some food & give it to Bear to eat. It's cute!

*Speaking of Bear, these two chase each other around the house. They can't get enough of each other. It does scare Gavin though when Bear barks.

*He does this new thing when you are sitting on the couch he will come up to you & stand up & put his head on your leg like he is giving you loves! So cute!

*He still only has 4 teeth. I think he might be SLOWLY teething more.

*We started bathing him in the big boy bath tub & he HATES it! He is so worried that he is going to fall into the water! I am afraid that I am rubbing off on him on the whole water thing!

Oh...My little monkey is growing up & getting so big!

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