Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This is going to be a boring post - I feel like the only time I blog is when I have a picture to go with it, but this Christmas, I was sick, so really didn't get a lot of pictures.

Christmas Eve, I woke up sick and we made breakfast, I made the fruit salad and potatoes we were to bring for the Christmas Dinner and we got ready and headed up to Heber City to spend the day with Mary (MIL), Kurt and the kids.  Chuck and Lori joined us later.  We had a great day watching Christmas movies, catching up with each other, cooking and opening presents.  The more the day progressed, the worse I felt and we finally headed home around 9:30 because the kids were super cranky.

Luckily we had already put the big present together and wrapped all the other presents so Santa just needed to arrange the presents under the tree when we got home and we headed to bed.  They boys slept in until 7:30 on Christmas Morning and then we headed out to the living room to open Presents.  Greyson was super cranky and wanted to play with every single present he opened instead of stopping and opening another, so by the end, we were opening them for him and just showing him while he cried for us to put his presents together.  Gavin loved finding his name on all his presents and opening each one of them.  By the end, Mike had asked if he got everything he wanted and he said yes.  He has been mentioning since September that he wanted a Jeep for Christmas.  Mike asked about the Jeep and Gavin got a little sad and said "Why didn't Santa bring my Jeep?" And Mike said "You will have to ask for it again next year bud" and Gavin said ok, and just went back to playing.  Finally Mike told him to go into the Dining Room and pull the blankets off and there was his Jeep. He was freaking out, so excited!

Mike got a Helicopter which he broke the next day and is now trying to find parts to fix it.  I am super excited for my new Crock Pot and we have already used it and it works great!  Our old one was super fast at cooking and is almost 9 years old, so it was time for an upgrade.

We had a great Christmas and we were spoiled rotten!  We hope you had a great Christmas too!

Gavin's gingerbread house from Preschool
Gavin in Christmas Eve PJs
Greyson in the Jeep and in Christmas Eve PJs
Gavin in the Jeep
Putting together the Jeep for the Boys
George our Elf on the Shelf drinking green milk in the fridge
Creating our Ginger Bread Men
The boys on Christmas Morning out with the Jeep
All the cookies I made for Neighborhood Gifts
Gavin's Vacuum he got for Christmas
More Ginger Bread Men making
A Greyson track he got for Christmas
Ginger Bread Making
Our final Ginger Bread Men

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