Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back to the Spiders

Mike came home from work this morning & showed me his was swollen, red & gross! He was working downstairs, getting boxes ready for pickup & sorting through our yard sale stuff that hopefully soon we will be selling. He said it started itching yesterday & got worse last night when he was at work, then this morning when he got home it just started killing him. I got a phone call from him at 3 saying that he was going to go to the Doctor because the pain was getting unbearable. The Doctor thinks it is a bite of some sort (probably from working downstairs yesterday & it was probably a spider...check out my post a couple days ago! Spiders) & since is started out itching & then turned to burning & pain it was either infected & venomous. So he got a cream antibiotic to put on it twice a day & we are to watch it to make sure it gets better, not worse. If it gets worse, the he will have to go back in for a shot! Please pray that it gets better & it isn't anything worse than just a spider bite. Here are some pictures of his ankle...the picture doesn't even do it looks a lot worse than it shows & it was a lot worse this afternoon than tonight when I took the picture.

Foot Shot

Close up of the infected area!


Jason and Crystal Mabb said...

Tell Mike to stop playing with the spiders... geezs man. lol

Unknown said...

Hope Mike is ok! Gosh, does that kid ever sleep? poor guy!

Jenni said...

Gross!! I hope it feels better real soon! Sorry that happened! If I was you I would now vow to never go into the basement :)