Monday, June 15, 2009

Drill Weekend...Family Addition

This past weekend, the Navy held there annual Drill weekend for Families. It was a sad, rainy Saturday, but we made the most of it. They had several tents set up for the USAA Bank, TriWest/TriCare insurance, Military One Source, and several other services there. Gavin did so good, He slept most of the day in his carrier, except when he was hungry! What a good kid. They also had Bouncy toys for the kids...
Awesome Off Roading Vehicles...
A Dunk Tank to dunk the Captains!
A rock wall...
Really good food...

It was also the day for Divine intervention. I don't know if I am more in tune to it lately, if I need it or what, but it seems I have had a lot of it lately. A couple people came up to us & it seemed like they just told us exactly what we needed to hear at the time we needed to hear it...& we have never even met these people or talked to them or anything. Crazy! Needless to say, we learned a lot of info, heard a lot of things that obviously we needed to hear & had a lot to think about over the weekend!

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