Thursday, June 4, 2009

LG Room Update

I have so much to blog about, but am so exhausted when I put Gavin down for the night I have only wanted to do 1 post at a time, so I can go to bed & get the most sleep I can. So here is my blog post for the day. A LG room update. We are ALMOST done with his room. All we have left to do is hang his letters for his name above his crib & hang the Cars clock & the rest of the Cars decals & we will be officially done! I can't wait & we hopefully will have it done this weekend, right before he turns 3 months. Here are some updated pictures. If you look really closely at the ones with his crib, you can see him sleeping in it. Enjoy!


Trisha said...

Very cute room. We still haven't decorated our little boys room, but we'll get around to it sometime. I love the blue and the cars.

Mary said...

His room really looks cute and he looks so peaceful sleeping in his little bed....adorable.